
The Split of the Churches

The split between the Roman Catholic church and the Eastern Orthodox church. They used to be one big church, all put together with two leaders. It was difficult however, because the church leaders both spoke different languages and they had many small arguments. But despite that, the reason they split up was because of many small arguments, but also because in 1054 Michael Cerularius tried to fix these small arguments and the contention by trying to get rid of the Latin church. This did not work and later they split up. Like I said before, it was not just because of that but also because they had many small arguments. We are going to look at some of the differences, and then what the two split churches became.


The people in the West allowed the Pope to run the church as he pleased, he was on an easy hook. This church later became, after the split, the Roman Catholic church. The church was separate from the state in the West.



The Pope was not allowed to govern the church as the West saw fit. The Eastern part became the Eastern Orthodox church, the Pope did not govern and it was under the state’s jurisdiction.


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